10/10/19– How to See

Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

A pastor friend of mine visited a lady diagnosed with terminal cancer. He inquired, “What’s going through your mind?”

She said, “That God has been preparing me all my life for this moment.”

Dying people can teach us a lot about living. And blind people can teach us how to see.

Someone once asked Helen Keller, who became blind at age 2, what it’s like to be handicapped with blindness. She replied, “Better to be blind and see with your heart, than to have two good eyes and see nothing.”

How much are you missing as you look at life, at problems, at yourself, even at God with your two eyes? If Helen Keller is right, then you have better vision if you look not just with your eyes but your heart.

Your beliefs. Your hopes. Your character. And the steady, promising love of God that guides the way.

The Bible says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).

Trust means you’re willing to test your own assumptions and challenge your own opinions.

Trust means you reach beyond yourself to a God who doesn’t just deliver truth or analyze it, but creates it.

Trust in the Lord and you’ll be connected to perfect wisdom, faithful mercy and reliable news.

See with your heart. That’s better vision.

PRAYER: Dear merciful God, what am I not seeing? I look to you in faith today, confessing that I assume too often that I completely understand—others, you, me. Show me, I pray with a humble and trusting heart, what I need to see. And give me the faith to believe it. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: The Bible calls David a man after God’s own heart, not just referencing his character and courage but his conviction—his faith. He trusted in the Lord. In 1 Samuel 23:1-14, David is being pursued by wicked King Saul. 4 times David sees what appears to be something obvious, or hears what makes sense, but he pauses and he “inquires of the Lord.” David received the Lord’s answer either through direct communication from God, or through a priest in direct communication with God. Our communication system with God has been seriously upgraded since then, and is laid out much more clearly in the Bible, where we find God’s will for our lives. Where, in your life, decision-making, or problem-solving, do you need to inquire of the Lord more? How does that change your approach to meditating on God’s Word—what are you hoping for?