CrossLife- PF

12/2/19– The Light of the World

Colossians chapter one describes our enemy as “the dominion of darkness,” a pitch black shadow that chases us, trying to suck us into its control. A black hole from hell.

Just think about darkness for a moment. Darkness indicates an inability to function. Try to navigate your way through darkness, down the stairs and to the farthest corner of your basement, and your shin is sure to meet up with something.

At the same time, darkness offers a cover that gives a better ability to function. In a conversation I had with a police officer, he reminded me that the crime rate increases during the winter months as the time of darkness increases. There, let us be warned, lies the power of the spiritual dark side. It can control us because it lets us cover up our sins.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil,” the Bible briefs us (Ephesians 6:12). The slightest distraction on our part that disturbs our vigilance against the dominion of darkness means we don’t shut the door, and it enters. We then discover the cover of this darkness and learn to use it, to like it, and even to open the door further and invite it in!

What’s your cover? Because of your position nobody will ever suspect you of wrongdoing. Because you work more than required most of the time you figure it’s okay to work less than required some of the time. Your sweet smile and pleasant personality help you keep your immoral behavior a secret. Bribing those you neglect, or those you abuse verbally, emotionally, physically, means you do it again next time with their consent.

Do we think our King does not see? Do we think our King does not know? Do we think our King does not care?

Because Jesus sees, we’re in terrible trouble, jumbo judgment.  But because he cares, we’re super saved, radically rescued. “[God] has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:13,14). The supreme-size sacrifice of Jesus rescued you from the super-size dominion of sin. You are safe in his kingdom, and safe with God because you have “peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” Big time peace from the Savior supreme, the Light of the world.

The Light of the world shines on you with the rays of his strength so that you can continue caring for that special someone, or continue carrying that extra responsibility day after day.

The Light of the world shines on you and brightens your day by chasing away every shadow of guilt and fault.

The Light of the world shines on you and in turn makes you shine out with a dazzling display of a Christian work ethic or Christian optimism or Christian character that others notice and appreciate.

The rest of the day, think about that Light. And let him lead.

PRAYER: Against you, Christ my Lord, evil doesn’t stand a chance. Against you my sins cannot prevail and my fears cannot rule. Save me, then, and chase the darkness away from me by your light. Shine on me so that I reflect your saving grace to others today. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Enjoy “Light of the World,” a song by Christian artist Lauren Daigle.