A friend at church asked me what I appreciate about the book of Psalms in the Bible. So this week I’m going to share three reasons why I love the psalms: because they are 1) Personal, 2) Prayerful and 3) Passionate.
The psalms are passionate.
Visceral. Earthy. Real. Vulnerable. Transparent. Authentic. Raw. Unguarded. Free. Spontaneous.
Shouting. Crying. Laughing.
Shaking a fist at God. Falling on knees before God.
Gritting teeth at enemies. Groaning in suffering. Painfully wrestling against the entangling grip of idols. Spitting in the face of the devil.
Singing with angels. Worshipping with the people of God.
The psalms evoke my emotions, spike my adrenaline, elevate me to heavenly glory, drive me to repentance, call me urgently to Christ, and fill me with their passion.
I cannot read the psalms and trickle through life with a lukewarm drip of faith. They gush like a waterfall and flood my soul with God!
Take a faith adventure and go for a swim in the book of psalms. Be ready for God’s currents!
PRAYER: You are so passionate, God! Passionate even about me. I want to share the passion of your love, your delight, your perseverance and patience to help me be your best version of me. Hallelujah and Amen!!
FURTHER MEDITATION: Why are you sometimes so lukewarm as a believer? Why do you just go through the motions? Is it laziness? Fear? Conforming to others’ expectations? Meditate on this in prayer, asking for God to reveal new awareness, and prompt new adventure in him.