
Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

Harry Houdini, the famed escape artist, issued a challenge wherever he went. He could be locked in any jail cell in the country, he claimed, and set himself free in short order. And he always kept his promise, except one time when something went wrong.   Houdini entered the jail and heard the heavy, metal door clang shut behind him. He …

BEST Worship Ever

Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

Sunday worship is priority number one at CrossLife Church.  We gather the most and best of our resources to connect the most people to Jesus and each other coming to campus most regularly. We teach the clearest gospel and guidance from God’s Word and administer the life-changing sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion. We widely open our doors and hearts …

Dinner in Prison

Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

Beautifully bright magenta roses, lilies and other flowers adorned the table covered with a white linen cloth. Guests dined in between two gardens. The five-course meal featured, first, a beet salad with goat cheese and greens followed by roasted salmon topped with a béarnaise sauce and braised garden greens. Roasted lamb with tomato provencal was rounded out by a corn …

Make Happiness

Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

You need to know not just what makes you happy, but how you can make happiness.  That’s an awareness called “synthetic happiness.” You enjoy it by framing experiences in a positive, faith-filled way.  For example, you studied bioengineering only to discover that it’s not for you. You feel like a loser for wasting that much school. However, it wasn’t a …

Show God’s Kindness to Those with Special Needs

Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

In ancient times, when a king assumed the throne, he killed off all the members of the family that had been in power. But not King David. During a prosperous time for his kingdom, David remembers a promise he had made to both his friend Jonathan, and also to former King Saul (1 Samuel 20:13-16, 24:21,22). In Jonathan’s absence, David …

Is Today a GOOD Morning?

Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

Why do we say “good morning?” Where did this come from, that we automatically expect a morning to be good, like every day?  When we walk into the office and greet coworkers, wouldn’t it be more appropriate to say something like, “Go get ‘em today!” or “Make it more than mediocre, my friend”? Maybe for those without faith in Jesus …

Creating an Anxious Generation?

Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

Unsafe moments aren’t only okay, but necessary. If you are new to Jesus and considering Christianity, or looking for a church home here at CrossLife, you might be wondering if it’s safe. The answer is: No, it’s not safe, but it’s good. As in—beautiful, noble, fulfilling, life-changing and beneficial. Growing in character and competence is never risk-free or it wouldn’t …

Why Would Jesus Hide?

Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

Why would Jesus hide? Why would Jesus keep silent when you seek him, or let you struggle with options when you’re looking for one clear answer?  Why would Jesus remain invisible when you can’t find him and just want him to show up, sit down at the kitchen table with you, hold your hand, look at you with a confident, …

Back to School Prayer

Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

Here’s a back-to-school prayer for you to share, and of course speak in private with God in your devotion time. Heavenly Father, As I watch children go back to school with their new dinosaur backpacks, new glasses and shoes, new lunch boxes, new teachers and new friends, I am reminded that all believers are your children. Calm the new fears …

Do You Know How to Meditate?

Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

Do you know how to meditate? Do you sit criss cross applesauce? Do you close your eyes and breathe deeply? Does music help? Should you be thinking about anything … or nothing? Maybe it’s just kind of weird so you don’t meditate at all. I mean, from what you’ve seen, meditation is more of a new age, mystical form of …