CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX


A virus is attacking, and the best response is clarity—not fake news or Facebook banter, not misinformation or media hype—but clear, compelling research.

We need communication that is true and reliable. It shows us what we can do to get through and make a difference in people’s lives.

Have you heard the clearest, most compelling, most life-changing evidence? Do you know this?

The coronavirus doesn’t surprise Jesus, but serves him. The coronavirus doesn’t scare Jesus, because Jesus rules over all sickness. He proved it by all the miracles he did when he healed people of incurable diseases and disabilities and even death.

Why read the Bible? Why turn on the screen and welcome online church into your living room? Why take time each day to feed and fuel your soul and mind?

“So that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught” (Luke 1:4).

Anyone willing to learn more about Jesus will find immunity from the panic caused by the coronavirus and instead find peace. Jesus is alive, healthy, knows everything about the coronavirus we don’t, and can do everything about the coronavirus that we can’t.

Jesus gives us hope and changes our lives.

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, you know everything about the coronavirus that I don’t. You are not confused or scared. I’m putting my trust in you, and I ask for certainty in my heart and mind. I need some clarity and confidence right now, and pray to share that with others. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Jesus doesn’t just talk to you, but about you. Did you know that he prays to his Father about you? He did that in John 17:8 when he prayed about all believers, “For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me.” See how Jesus’ words, accepted by faith, and certainty all go together? How can you listen more attentively to Jesus’ words this week?