CrossLife- PF

4 Evangelism Tips from Jesus

“The Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field’” (Luke 10:1,2). 

What do you notice about Jesus in these words of the Bible? He’s teaching four things about evangelism (inviting someone to believe in Jesus and come to church).

First, Jesus is always mindful of the end. Three times Jesus refers to a “harvest.” That’s picture language often used by Jesus, as well as the Old Testament prophets and the book of Revelation. It refers to the end of this world when souls will be harvested (saved/stored) for the purpose of eternal life in heaven (Revelation 14:15; Matthew 13:39). Some crops or grain slips through the harvesting process, however, and is left behind. That represents unbelievers who will spend eternity in hell. That screams at us to make evangelism important. And now.

Secondly, Jesus is able to save. Anyone. The worst sinner. The most inconsistent Christian. The man who turned his back on Jesus and on his wife. The mom whose anger and impatience hurt her kids. Jesus refers to himself as “Lord,” which means he has authority and control. Over your sins and guilt. Over your past and future. Over your letdowns and disappointments. Over your life. Over your evangelism!

Along with that, Jesus is willing to go “to every town and place.” Where do you live? Say the name of the city or town: _________. Jesus goes there. Jesus rules there. Jesus loves and forgives and lives there. What are the numbers of your street address? Say those numbers: __ __ __ __ __. Jesus goes even there. Every town. Every place. Every person. Jesus is your Lord and Savior, not just everyone else’s. Jesus reaches you personally in your home every day, not just in church on Sunday. 

Finally, Jesus delegates responsibility for evangelism. See what he wants to do? “Send out workers into his harvest field.” The harvest belongs to Jesus. The work belongs to workers. But the massive amount of sinners to be saved (the harvest) is huge compared the small amount of Jesus’ followers doing the work of evangelism (workers). So Jesus tells us to pray. To ask for more workers.

Hmm, where will they come from? When will they raise their hand and say, “Send me!” Who will come to believe in Jesus because of their evangelism?

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, please send more workers for evangelism in your mission field. And I know you start by sending me. By your gracious call, I am ready. Let’s go! Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Slow down, use the PRAY acronym.

  • Praise (tell God what you appreciate about his blessings of evangelism around you)
  • Repent (tell God about your sins of neglect when it comes to inviting others, trust in his promises of forgiveness and his perfect evangelism that saved you)
  • Ask God to open up new opportunities so that you see them with new eyes and respond to them with new heart
  • Yield (talk to God about the next step after you say “Amen,” how you want faith to lead the way, how you are willing to be part of his answer and see it develop for your good)