4 Reasons to be More Confident About Our Country

Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

What do these 4 kings have in common: Charlemagne, David, Caesar and Alexander?

These are the kings of hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs in a deck of cards. But where is the King of kings, the Lord of Lords? Where in a deck of cards is the supreme commander of the universe who created the heavens and the earth? Where is Jesus Christ?

Jesus is holding the cards

Any ruler in our world may have authority over a certain domain, but ultimately Jesus Christ has authority over all rulers—even corrupt rulers who abuse their authority and power. 

Pharaoh chased down Moses and the Israelites but God used Pharaoh for his own purposes, saying, “I will gain glory through Pharaoh and all his army, through his chariots and his horsemen” (Exodus 14:17). 

Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, was an enemy of God’s Old Testament people, but God used Nebuchadnezzar for his own purposes, saying to the people of Jerusalem, “I am about to hand this city over to the Babylonians and to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon” (Jeremiah 32:38). 

Martin Luther once remarked, “God looks upon kings as children look upon playing cards.

God’s plan of salvation

The slavery in, and exodus from, Egypt served God’s plan of salvation for sinners. The destruction of Jerusalem and foreign captivity served God’s plan of salvation for sinners. The Pharaohs and Nebuchadnezzars of today continue to serve God’s plan of salvation for sinners. 

God has every government and every government leader in his hand to help him accomplish his saving plan. With that in mind, go vote for your candidates. God doesn’t vote for you, and wants you to participate as a responsible citizen. So make your choice.

You are helping shuffle the deck. No matter who is in it, Jesus will always be holding the cards.

PRAYER: God, all authority and power belongs to you. The rulers and governments of the earth are like kings in a deck of cards, but you are holding the cards. Lord, guide me to vote well, but more so to trust well. To trust in you to hold us all even when kings may not. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Read Psalm 118:9 and meditate on it in prayer. Be honest and confess where you have trusted in this world’s governments or rulers to give you what only God can give you. Turn to him in repentance, and trust him more today. It’ll give you confidence to vote, knowing that Jesus is holding the cards.