4 Words God Needs to Hear

Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

I love the story about Otto and Wilhelmina, a rugged old German couple experiencing some distance in their relationship. They went to talk to their Lutheran pastor about it, though Wilhelmina had to threaten Otto in order to get him there. 

After initial pleasantries, the pastor asked them if they loved each other. “Why, yes!” Wilhelmina rejoiced. Meanwhile Otto nodded obediently.

Noticing this, the pastor asked the stubborn old man. “Otto, can you look at Wilhelmina and tell her that you love her?”

Gruffly yet factually, Otto explained, “50 years ago, on our wedding day, I told her that I love her. If that ever changes, I’ll let her know.” 

So how would you feel if you were Wilhelmina? Would you be smiling at that moment with warm appreciation? Would your heart be melting, your beauty being seen by the man you so dearly love? 

Or, instead of melting like candle wax warmed by the flame of love, would your heart remain as cold as ice? Solid, but frozen. Numb and not knowing it.

When was the last time you told God that you love him? 

Not in a mindless, expressionless response in church like saying a meal prayer without thinking. Not just thinking nice thoughts or doing good things. Not, “When I was confirmed I promised God that I love him, and if that ever changes I’ll let him know.” 

Can you say the words, “I love you, Lord”? Get ready, you’re going to in 60 seconds. Prepare yourself, Otto’s of the faith! Keep reading this and it might get uncomfortable for you, but love is on the line. 

Do you love the Lord? Of course you do! 

Otto loved Wilhelmina. Then why didn’t he say it? Because he believed he should love her the way that HE wanted to love her, instead of the way SHE wanted him to love her. He believed that he didn’t NEED to tell her, even though every night before going to bed she longed for him to say it. 

That’s a selfish kind of love, and that’s what the pastor told Otto. Love is not selfish or proud (1 Corinthians 13:4,5). 

“Instead of expressing love your way, Otto, think about how Wilhelmina expresses her love to you. What are some ways?” Otto smiled and began with, “She makes me meatloaf wrapped in bacon,” then continued for a few minutes, eventually turning his eyes toward her. “I love you, Wilhelmina.” Oh, how she needed that.

God needs to hear you say it, too. Because your relationship isn’t much of a relationship without it. Because it’s biblical, right here in Psalm 18:1, “I love you, Lord.” 

So right now, say it. Out loud, not just in your head. If somebody hears you, that’s great! If it helps, go find a private place, or whatever you need to do right now, not later. 

Right now. Say it. Out loud. If you can’t, you have a problem and need to go see Otto’s pastor. If you can, it means your eyes are on the Lord adoring him for all the ways he loves you.

“I love you, Lord.”

PRAYER: “I love you, Lord.”

MUSIC MEDITATION: This song, “The Goodness of God,” begins with the four words: “I love you, Lord.” It continues to declare two things: the faithfulness of God, and the response of a believer throughout life’s circumstances to express to God how good he is.