CrossLife- PF

5/9/19– Believe

John concludes his gospel by reporting some appearances that Jesus made to his disciples after he rose from the dead. Then he ends with this epic summary:

“Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:30,31).

“But …” Big word here. Don’t miss the point. Before the “but” Jesus is performing a bunch of miracles for his disciples. And you’re thinking, “I wish Jesus would do that for me.”

Not so fast. There’s something else. “But …” You don’t receive any less from Jesus than he miraculously gave to his disciples. They didn’t have the completed New Testament of the Bible. You do. They weren’t able to see the growth of the Christian church after the apostles. You can.

“But these are written.” Written so that you have something to believe in. Something just as miraculous as Jesus appearing to his disciples.

Everything that is written about him is yours to believe. Everything there is about life is yours to live.

In his name.

PRAYER: I want to believe in you and your words, Jesus, more clearly and courageously than ever before. I want to live today in your name. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Watch this song video, with powerful imagery, filled with Scriptural truths to believe What worry, fear, doubt or struggle in your life right now finds new hope and life because of this message? Take time to meditate and pray. The lyrics start out like this:

Jesus calmed the waters on the Sea of Galilee
And today He spoke peace to the fears in me
Jesus turned water at a wedding into wine
Just today He turned my worry into peace of mind

Jesus broke bread with the whores and thieves
He bent down to wash His friend Peter’s feet
When I felt so dirty, so beyond love’s reach
He called out to say that He was not ashamed of me

These are written so may believe
And that by believing you may have life in His name