CrossLife- PF

5 New Records and 1 Never To Be Broken

Here are 5 new Guinness world records that may interest you. Try to beat them if you can!

Abolfazl Saber Mokhtari of Iran balanced 88 spoons in various locations around his body.

Avery Fisher, 13, interested in both scuba diving and stage magic, performed 38 tricks in a minute while submerged underwater.

A Maryland woman set a new world record for a behemoth belch measured at 107 decibels—about as loud as a motorcycle riding at full throttle.

Chico, a cockatoo, rode his bird-sized scooter a distance of 16.4 feet in 14.58 seconds to break his own previous world record.

One gentleman fully assembled a Mr. Potato Head in 12.11 seconds—while blindfolded!

Okay, okay, that’s enough true craziness, but now that I have your attention, here’s something even more amazing. How about a world record that will never, ever be broken? Guaranteed. Impossible. And it involves you.


“If you, Lord, kept a record of sins,
    Lord, who could stand?

But with you there is forgiveness,
    so that we can, with reverence, serve you.

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,
    and in his word I put my hope” (Psalm 103:3-5).


I’m glad to report that you, fellow believer, do not hold the record for sins. How do I know this without knowing you? Because I know the Lord and his word, which is true. 

Right here it says, there is no record when it comes to your sins. God doesn’t keep a record, a black book, a spreadsheet, a red pen with tally marks, none of it. He does not record your sins. He does not keep your sins cataloged. How is that possible?

Forgiveness. That’s the record that will never be broken. You have God’s word on it.

PRAYER: If you kept a record of my sins, Lord, I couldn’t live. But with you there is forgiveness. No record keeping of my sins. No black book! No database! As I live in the grace and freedom of your forgiveness, God, empower me to forgive others as you forgive me. No record keeping. Amen.

TAKE IT DEEPER: Can you think of a person right now whom you need to forgive? Pray for them. Can’t think of a person? Pray for God to bring a person to mind whom you need to forgive, and see what happens.