Do you believe in the importance of new year resolutions? Here are 5 reasons why I do.
1. Spiritual Renewal
All humans, even those committed to Jesus with strong faith, naturally drift away from faith not toward it.
Our natural instinct, often times referred to in the Bible as our sinful flesh “is hostile to God” (Romans 8:7). Every day “we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16).
We all drift, but never toward God. So do less drifting, and intentionally set a course, hoist your spiritual sails, and steer the rudder of your faith toward renewal. You can overcome more temptations. You can sail out of the safety zone of your calm harbor and take God honoring risks.
2. New Appreciation for God’s Grace
God invites all people to appreciate and believe in his grace, a free forgiveness for all our sins, mistakes, bad habits and “coulda, woulda, shoulda” moments.
It’s tempting, especially for Christians, to live under that grace, breathe in that grace, and enjoy that grace like we enjoy the free gift of oxygen. It’s always there, so we don’t notice it.
That’s why the apostle Paul himself appreciates, “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect” (1 Corinthians 15:10).
Take a moment to reflect on the past year, and put hope in the new year. It leads you to appreciate God’s grace. Make a list of 5 blessings of God’s grace you experienced in 2024.
3. Spiritual Growth and Improvement
The momentum from old year to new carries with it a “turn the page” dynamic. Like reading a book, all the previous pages and chapters matter up to that point. So, what has God been doing during 2024 that matters for you in 2025?
How can you partner more successfully with God’s gospel work in your life?
“The gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace” (Colossians 1:6).
Grow closer to God. Grow up to be more like Christ. Learn new ways to face difficulties with positive hope in the Lord above all circumstances. Make new efforts to serve and love others according to their needs.
4. Strengthening Relationships
People are messy. The people around you. And you. Relationships take work. They are important enough to never be positioned into auto pilot.
Take the time to work “on” your relationships, not just work “in” your relationships. Which relationships in your life are most valuable to you? Why? Which relationships need more of you than you’ve been giving, or perhaps, need less of you?
Jesus answered those questions, and came to this earth to be your Savior and make you a child of God. More than that, Jesus says, “I have called you friends” (John 15:5).
The strength and success of all your human relationships will improve as you grow more intimate with Jesus in a stronger faith.
5. Live as a Better Steward
Making even just one, small new year resolution consequently puts you into the role of being a steward. You are committed to caring for that resolution. It doesn’t belong to everyone else. It belongs to you.
The journey you take, carrying that resolution, is highly beneficial. Like the lessons learned by a 10th grader who tried out for the dance team, made it, and now she carries this commitment. She must navigate it among other commitments (school work, friends, boyfriend, church, job, etc.).
Many people avoid making goals or new year resolutions for this very reason. They don’t want to be accountable. They fear hard work, or failure, or letting down themselves or God.
Listen, at the end of the day, not trying to improve — that’s actually more disappointing than trying to improve but struggling or failing at the goal. It’s still a win that you tried, and I bet you still improved and learned.
After one of the most grand, profound ancient hymns of praise exalting Jesus as Savior, and challenging believers to live like him, the apostle Paul gets real about goals and resolutions.
“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Philippians 2:12,13).
A little fear and trembling is good when we’re trying to obey God’s will. “I might not make it! … Is this the right decision? … Do I have what it takes? … What if I fail? … This feels uncomfortable.” Ah, yes, we’re human after all.
But we’re also saved. God’s salvation is complete in us! So, Paul says, give it a workout. God is at work.
PRAYER: God, this is a solid list of 5 reasons to make new year resolutions. I’m going to give them some reflection time, and pray for your wisdom and guidance in my desire to grow, improve and take new spiritual steps. Amen.
TAKE THE NEXT STEP: Spend extra time with this list. Compare the 5 reasons with each other. Which is most important for you? Which are you really good at already? Do any speak more to you during this season of life? Share with a friend.