8/12/19– Healed

Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

Being healthy today seems so complicated. Does diet soda really kill you and cleansing really cure you? Is the organic label just a marketing scam? Should I go keto or paleo? And where in health care do we rely on the work of God?

The Bible says that he’s not only in the spiritual care business, but physical care, too, “He forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases” (Psalm 103:3). As surely as your sins are forgiven, your diseases are also healed.

But if that’s true, then why do some people suffer from chronic pain, why is your friend enduring the grueling battle of chemo and why do people die?

One of the health gurus I follow wrote an e-book called 9 Steps to Perfect Health. I love it, use it, and have recommended it to others, but the title kinda implies if you do these things you’ll never get a blister or catch a cold or die.

Perfect health? There is no perfect health in this world because of the effects of sin. There is no perfectly healthy person. But there is perfect health care, not in a doctor’s office or essential oil regimen but in God.

God’s health care is perfect, because he is perfect, and he engineered our immune system and spine and trachea and teeth, and his promises are always true, and his love is unconditional and perfectly wise.

God’s health care promises the perfect care of Jesus. So that means when defect, disability, or discomfort remains Jesus uses it as his servant.

When Jesus heard that his good friend Lazarus became critically ill he didn’t go to him promptly and so Lazarus died. People perceived it as coldhearted indifference but Jesus explained otherwise, “This sickness … is for God’s glory … so that you may believe” (John 11:4,15).

Don’t blame God by making him the bad guy when you or a loved one aren’t healed as promptly as you’d like. Don’t give up on faith in God’s perfect care when you or a loved one are still taking tests or hospitalized despite your prayers asking otherwise. We have no right to demand from God that he heal us at our time in our way according to our plan. “This sickness is for God’s glory,” Jesus said.

You aren’t God. You don’t have the right to glory that belongs to him, and if he’s going to be glorified by your allergies or your cancer or your gastro esophageal reflux disease or your bum back then who are you to rob him of that right?!

“This ADHD, autism, bipolar disorder, diabetes, hearing loss, stomach ulcer is for God’s glory.” God’s healing will come. Maybe in your body. Definitely in your soul, your attitude, your character, your faith and will power.

“[Jesus] drove out the spirits … and healed all the sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: ‘He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases’” (Matthew 8:16,17).

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I need your healing. From sins, and from physical, emotional and mental defects or disease. Have mercy on me, and through my troubles help me and others come closer to you. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: “Pastor, why doesn’t God just take me to heaven?” the weak, wrinkled woman asked me through belabored breathing—the tubes had been pumping oxygen into her nose for weeks.

“I don’t know why, Esther” I allowed, “but can you believe that this isn’t just about you?” In response to her curious look I took her hand and continued, “It’s about the doctors and nurses who monitor your heart rate, but also observe you pray. It’s about your roommate who hears you rejoice in God’s blessings even though you are bedridden. It’s about your grandchildren who give you hugs and you whisper in their ears, ‘It’ll be okay, I’ll see you in heaven.’”

Through her, Jesus was healing others. Let him do the same through you.

Prayerfully meditate on any ailments, disabilities, diseases or physical deformities you bear in this life, or for right now. Ask God to help you see how you can help them find healing (spiritual, and even physical) by observing you. What is one thing you can do by tomorrow to improve in this area?