CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

8/29/19– God’s House

The opposing team enters the basketball court. The crowd stands and roars. Not in support. But in an act of overt intimidation. They shout in unison, “Whose house?” Stomp. Stomp. “Our house!!” Repeat.

In other words, this is our home court. This is our gym. We own it and we own you! You can’t come in here and beat us.

When Jesus would enter the temple in Jerusalem, it was like walking onto his home court. All of the temple worship was designed to honor him. He is the true Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He is the real substitute and sacrifice, who will die on the cross as the payment for people to be right with a holy God.

One time, instead of a roaring home crowd, he experiences money changers, cattle sellers, and other vendors interrupting worship. “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!” he scolds (John 2:16).

Recent studies of home court advantage in NBA professional basketball show a steady decline. From teams winning about 70% of their home games in the mid 1970’s, dropping to almost 50% last year. Researches suggest a few reasons why this is happening, and one of them is that the crowd isn’t as engaged as it was forty years ago. Why?

Fans are all on their phones instead of cheering for their team.

Distracted. Not paying attention to the display of world-class athleticism right in front of them. Therefore, not cheering as loudly and consistently.

The temple worshipers were distracted. So Jesus took their phones away. He turned over their tables. He drove them out of the temple. “Whose house? God’s house!”

Yes, it was an act of intimidation. Jesus wanted to be loud and clear. “This is my house. I own it. You can’t come in here and ruin it.” He won’t let that happen. The Lamb of God is the sacrifice for the world’s sins, and nothing can destroy the forgiveness that he brings. Distracted worshippers. Embezzling pastors. Divisive churches. Consumer expectations of members. They don’t own the church. Jesus does. It’s his house.

Thank you, Jesus, for your zeal when it comes to church. You love the church, and want it to be a place where people aren’t distracted but focus their faith on you, worship you, love you, experience life-change through you, and share you with the world.

Bless us, Jesus, and bless our churches with the same zeal. Whose house? God’s house!

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, give me the same passion for church that you have. Help me replace my excuses that keep me away from church with meaningful church experiences where I grow closer to you and closer to others. Remind church leaders that you own the church, not them. And thank you for inviting me to your house of forgiveness. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Read John 2:13-22 for the whole story of Jesus in the temple. What was the problem (v. 16)? What was Jesus’ priority (v. 17)? What did Jesus promise (vv. 18-19)?

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