CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

A Better Place

“She’s in a better place,” people say about a believer in Jesus who has died. 

Those aren’t just nice-sounding words but a promised truth of the Bible: “to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). 

For Christians, dying results in something gained, something we didn’t have before, an improvement over the way things were while we lived on earth. 


The apostle Paul wrote these words teaching us about eternal life in heaven, “I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far” (Philippians 1:23). That’s the best part of heaven. 

Yes, in heaven you will experience relief from suffering, and that’s better. 

Yes, in heaven you will perform perfectly without ever making any mistakes, and that’s better. 

Yes, in heaven you will meet Moses, worship with angels, and be reunited with grandma, and that’s better. 

But the best thing about heaven is that you will be with Jesus. 

In the flesh. Real. There. Forever. You’ll look in his eyes and he’ll look in yours. You’ll touch him. Shake his hand. Hug him and hold on an extra second or two. Feel his beard rub on your face. 

“I’m glad you’re here,” he whispers. “I knew you’d make it.” You knew it, too. Because of him. Because Jesus saved you from your sins. And he promised that by believing in him you have eternal life. 

In heaven, that promise will come true.

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, life is a blessing and gift from you. I believe in your promises for this life, and eternal life. Keep me in the faith forever, and I’ll see you in person when I get to heaven. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Read Revelation 7:9-12 for a picture of what worship will look like in heaven. Who is getting all the attention?