CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

A Labor Day Prayer

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” (Genesis 2:15).

PRAYER: Dear gracious God, on this Labor Day weekend we remember the gift of work. In your perfect world you gave Adam the command to work in the Garden of Eden and take care of your creation. Work is a blessing from you.

We confess that we don’t appreciate it enough. In your mercy, forgive us for laziness, for anxiety about work-related promotions, demotions, or income levels, for loving our career more than you, for any imbalance of calling between work and family and personal well being, and for making the approval of others in our work more important than your approval. 

As you walked with Adam in the garden, walk with me, Lord, in my callings and responsibilities of work each week. Equip me with the right skills to take up my tasks. Connect me with others who can guide and lead me. Move my heart to humbly serve you and others, giving you the glory. Let my work—including all difficulties and struggles related to it—be a witness to you. 

Bless our community of Pflugerville and our world with satisfying jobs that connect people with work roles that fulfill them and provide income for their well being. 

For those under pressure to perform, relieve their stress and turn their trust to your saving promises. 

For those seeking employment, open up opportunities and be their source of security and contentment. 

Give employers a sense of fairness, and employees a work ethic that produces excellence. Recognize and rescue in your merciful ways those businesses struggling during these times.

Let all of it develop an economy in our community and world that allows for the most opportunity for all people, and the best care for your creation.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Think about this. God created his perfect world, then put its care in the hands of a human being. What an honor! Instead of God taking the controls of your job, he wants you to own it, perform your duties, and succeed. That’s not just a responsibility, but a gift from him. Thank him for it today.