CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

A Lively Reference

One of Sal’s buddies hired a cabinet maker to custom build a china cabinet, a fireplace mantel, and a couple bookshelves. When Sal saw the finished product, he gasped at how great it looked and imagined such quality woodwork in his house. He asked for the name of the cabinet maker.

Kate has been struggling with her hair. She needs a newer look but isn’t too sure what she really wants. When she ran into an old neighbor at the store she couldn’t stop admiring her hair. She commented on it and asked her friend who her stylist was.

When you need a job done but you aren’t really sure what you’re going to get from someone you don’t know, it’s nice to get a reference. It’s doubly nice when you can lay your eyes on their work. Because if they’ve done it that way for someone else, then they can certainly do it that way for you.

Well, what is true of cabinets and hair is also true of improving your life. Everybody is on the lookout for how to improve their life and you’re no exception. So have you found any good references lately for making it happen? Here’s one.

“The Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you” (Romans 8:11). Here is the expert on life improvement that you want to do his work on you. The Spirit of God. He’s so good that he can improve the life of someone who is already dead! Check out his work! He raised Jesus from the dead!

Want to be more alive? Sharper perception. More positive emotions. Deeper faith. Better relationships. Stronger will power. More skilled at speaking to others about Jesus. 

The Spirit of God is a life improvement expert and he’s closer than a phone call away. He’s not near you. He’s not on you. He’s living in you. He has made you his residence and takes care of you like anyone takes care of a home. 

Your life improvement is his home improvement, and does he have some projects lined up for his home! You know he does because he raised Jesus from the dead!

If he did it that way once, he’ll do the same again. So remember the reference of Jesus’ resurrection, and be alive today!

PRAYER: O, Spirit of God, you live in me. Guide me to enjoy your grace-given life, to obey your perfect guidance, and to make your life improvement my passion. Make me more alive in Jesus! Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Read Romans 8:9-17 to see more about what the Spirit is doing in you.