Have you noticed that when angels appear in the Bible, something big is going on? We don’t see them in every page of the Bible, swooping out of the heavens to light up the sky for every person in the Bible.
But angels are all over God’s Christmas story: the birth announcements to Joseph and Mary, and lighting up the sky when they appear to the shepherds. Before a multitude of the heavenly host wowed the shepherds, however, there was one angel delivering a message to the shepherds from God.
“Do not be afraid” (Luke 2:10).
Fear is not your master. It cannot tell you what your day will look like. It does not have the right to steal your joy and peace. The birth of Jesus us frees you from all fear, because the Lord of Lords is also your friend.
Notice that the angel isn’t speaking directly to fear here but to you and the shepherds. You must do something with fear because everyone faces it. You can’t just know what the Bible says about fear so you pass the quiz, you must respond—with faith over fear.
Like Peter stepping out of the boat when Jesus told him to walk on water and not just saying, “Amen! That’s a great idea, Lord!”
What are you afraid of? What truth of God do you need to believe, so that fear isn’t leading you, but by faith you are leading fear?
Angels are on your side. Jesus is your Savior. Fear doesn’t have a chance, unless you let it.
PRAYER: Dear Jesus, your angels aren’t afraid, even when you send them to clash with the darkest evil. I’m not afraid either when I’m trusting in you. Forgive me for fearing what I shouldn’t. Fill me with your peace, with heavenly joy, and with the courage of faith to step forward wherever you call me. Amen.
EVANGELISM ACTION: Open up a discussion with a friend who needs Jesus. Ask, “What are you afraid of?” And just listen. Don’t fix it. After the conversation, say a prayer with them.