Back to School Prayer

Pastor DaronCrossLife Blog

Here’s a back-to-school prayer for you to share, and of course speak in private with God in your devotion time.

Heavenly Father,

As I watch children go back to school with their new dinosaur backpacks, new glasses and shoes, new lunch boxes, new teachers and new friends, I am reminded that all believers are your children.

Calm the new fears of children going back to school, and all your children including parents who are anxious, separated, lonely or struggling.

Open the minds of children going back to school, crossing the barriers of their own human limitations to discover the wonders of your world. Open the minds of all your children to believe in your gift of salvation, your forgiveness and peace, your absolute truth, your perfect wisdom and patient faithfulness. 

Overcome our self-imposed, sinful barriers standing in the way of our best life, and fill us with the Spirit of Jesus Christ who was raised from the dead.

Give teachers the wisdom, love, patience, creativity, perseverance and energy to pour themselves out day after day, while you pour your blessings into their bodies, minds and souls. 

Teach all your children, and let us learn more and more, grow more and more, and mature to new strength, new understanding, new faith and hope and love.

Lord and Refuge of all, we pray for safety in our schools. Frustrate the plans and practices of bullies, teasers, name-callers, abusive parents or teachers, or any of the wicked who wish to do others evil harm. 

Be the strength and shield of all law enforcement and security personnel. In your justice, intervene and protect us all for the sake of your holy name and peace in our schools.

Help all your children, young and old, witness to those who do not follow you in faith, God. That many more may learn of your love and be saved. Amen.

PRAYER: Lord and Refuge of all, we pray for safety in our schools. Frustrate the plans and practices of bullies, teasers, name-callers, abusive parents or teachers, or any of the wicked who wish to do others evil harm. Be the strength and shield of all law enforcement and security personnel. In your justice, intervene and protect us all for the sake of your holy name and peace in our schools. Amen. 

SHARE this prayer with other school parents, staff or students. How powerful for believers everywhere to say this prayer as we huddle around the throne of God!