CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Because of Christ

Some say it’s a sin to be proud. Not really. There’s sinful pride and righteous pride. Have more righteous pride!

As a matter of fact, what you are righteously proud about is the reason that being sinfully proud doesn’t curse you. “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Galatians 6:14).

Some say that old, traditional music is good because it’s old and traditional; and new, contemporary music is bad because it’s new and contemporary. That’s really shallow, and just bad logic.

Here’s a new, contemporary worship song that sings Galatians 6:14 with contemplation, connects it with Christ’s resurrection, and calls for a faith response of joy. These are all biblical, theological and fit for excellence in worship.

The song is called Because of Christ and we’re learning to sing it at CrossLife. Give it a listen!

Here are some of the lyrics:


On a hill in Israel mercy spoke for me. 

Mercy spoke for me. Mercy spoke for me.

It was on Golgotha’s tree; his death brought liberty. 

His death brought liberty. His death brought liberty


May I never boast in anything except the cross of Jesus Christ.

May I not forget the blood He shed.

It is by His death I am alive.

Because of Christ, I am alive.


Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Praise the one who set me free!

Death has lost its grip on me.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Jesus rose in victory.


He’s alive, alive in me.


Here’s a bonus. Check out this Because of Christ song video that includes an interview with the writers. You’ll gain firsthand understanding of some contemporary Christian artists who believe, like you do and like I do, that worship songs should focus primarily on Jesus Christ and his saving works (like this one does).

They’ll also share the back story of the song, talk about the artistic use of repetition in singing, and share some of their thoughts behind the technical components of music that support the lyrics. Again, this is excellence in worship.

PRAYER: May I never boast, except in you, Jesus. May I never worship, except for you. May I never breathe, or live, or speak, or love others apart from you, your cross, and your empty tomb. Be alive in me even more today! Amen.

EVANGELISM ACTION: Do you have a friend who needs Jesus but isn’t attending church? Share this blog with them and ask them to listen to this Christ-centered song. Then talk about it and invite them to church (again).