CrossLife- PF

Break Up Cookies

Looking for a way to break up with your sweetheart? Try some limited edition, custom cookies delivered before Valentine’s Day. 

Insomnia Cookies has created a special delivery box of warm cookies. When your soon-to-be-ex opens the box, the sweet aroma of cookies fills the air, along with a message on the inside of the box lid. Options for messages include:

“It’s not me, it’s you.”

“You’re sweet, but not my taste.”

“We’re done. Have a nice life.”

The cookie company says that warm cookies are better than a cold heart — the perfect solution for a fling with your boyfriend or girlfriend that has crumbled. They might be heartbroken, but warm cookies will help them get over it.

Broken hearts are an expected part of life. Or are they? Do we really need to experience heartbreak? Why can’t we break things off without them breaking our heart? Not just with people, but with jobs, hobbies or bad habits, projects, overcommitments or hanging on to a loved one we’ve lost? 

When your heart belongs to Jesus as your first love, then nothing else can break it. Your heart is intended for Jesus, but when you give it to lesser things they will constantly break your heart. Because those things cannot give you what Jesus can.

Jesus gives all of himself to you with the greatest of his love. When your heart belongs to him, it won’t be crushed when others fail to love you. When your heart belongs to him, you can keep going even when you experience criticism, injustice or rejection. 

“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again” (2 Corinthians 5:14,15).

PRAYER: My heart is yours, Jesus, even as you have given me all of you, all of your love, all of your attention and your death and resurrection. Protect my heart from being so broken by losses and disappointments, and inspire me to love you more than all things. Amen.

MEDITATE ON THIS: What is one “lesser thing” that is breaking your heart, and you need to break up with it by making Jesus your first love?