CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Brought Back

Do you have any rescue stories? Maybe you bolted after a runaway pet, or snatched your child from a busy street?

If you hang around me long enough, sooner or later in my preaching and teaching you will hear me tell the story of my runaway grand-dog, Cole. He’s still alive today, but barely, after I had mistakenly left the door open and he got out … and he ran fast and far!

After a frantic chase, we saved him from almost crossing a busy street where he probably would not have made it across alive. Whew!!

Fear turned to joy as I hugged him, clutched him close, and made sure he got back home safely. He couldn’t run away any longer. He wouldn’t be run over. He was not dead.

People run from God, too, when we wander from his truth. We chase things. We run after lies.

God chases us, often by sending others to step into our path. Whew!!

“My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins” (James 5:19,20).

Think today of people in your life who hold you accountable, who point you to God’s way, who at one time or another have brought you back from wandering. God uses them to save you from further sins, and ultimately eternal death.

Thank them, and God, for caring enough.

PRAYER: Dear God, I have wandered from your truth, and while straying I didn’t realize the great danger. Am I wandering now? Am I in danger because of error or sin? Thank you for caring enough to bring me back, often through people who chase me, call me, and assure me of your truth and love. I need them, and you. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Meditate on the verses from James 5 above. Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you, and make these words come alive as they stir your soul. Which of them resonate most with you right now? Wander? Truth? Bring back? Turn? Sinner? Error? Save? Sins? Spend time in prayer with that word in mind. Ask God to help you understand it more, help you see its importance in your spiritual life, help you believe and do what he says.