CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Can You Draw a Perfect Circle?

For a quick distraction, try it. Draw a perfect circle here.

If you’re competitive, tell your friends to try it and see who gets the closest. 

If you’re a perfectionist, you’ll be tempted to cheat somehow just so you can say you’re perfect.

Even though you’re not. We’re not. 

Nobody’s perfect. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). 

Even if you can draw a perfect circle (which I don’t think anybody can) it doesn’t make you perfect. You might bowl a perfect game or make the perfect carrot cake, but that doesn’t mean everything else you’ve ever thought, spoken or done is perfect, too. Not even close. 

Yet there is something in us all that wants to be perfect. Not just better. Perfect. Nobody can criticize us then. We will meet everyone’s expectations. First place—ever year. Most Valuable Person award. Budget could’t be better. Always on time. A 4.0 GPA. 

Again, sorry, nobody’s that good. Except Jesus. And what did he do with his perfection? He sacrificed it. No, he didn’t ruin it. I mean he gave it up. Gave it away. Gave it to imperfect sinners. That’s called righteousness. 

“But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness” (Romans 8:10).

What if you clicked on the link above, and it popped up on your screen with a perfect circle already drawn, a score of 100%, and your signature? You know that you didn’t do that. But this is your perfect chance. You trace the line around, and around, and … almost perfect. At least, much better than before.

Jesus has drawn that circle for you. Trace it today with your thoughts. Follow it where you walk. Do what he does. Pursue perfection because you are, in Christ.

PRAYER: God, I want to be perfect. That can be bad, but also very good. Teach me more about the righteousness of Jesus Christ, his perfection for me, a sinner. Amen.

EVANGELISM ACTION: Share this with a friend who needs the perfection of Jesus.