CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Christ Be Magnified in Me

What happens when the sun shines through a magnifying glass? It lights a fire. The focused energy of the sunlight—magnified into increased power and impact—is able to burn an object that it touches. 

I remember discovering this as a kid. I burned leaves and twigs, paper, my bicycle seat, lots of ants, and just had to try what it felt like on the palm of my hand. Yup. Scorching for sure.

The width and thickness of the magnifying glass funnels the vast energy of the sun into a dot of light, heat and eventually some smoke.

Christian artist Cody Carnes sings:

O! Christ be magnified!

Let His praise arise

Christ be magnified in me

O! Christ be magnified!

From the altar of my life

Christ be magnified in me

When we gather together in worship and we sing, it can be powerful to fill the worship space with the united voice of a large group singing together. An entire crowd of believers joining in songs of faith, that’s inspiring! 

Think of this as the horizontal element of worship, reaching out and around each other like a big group hug or hoo-rah.

When we gather together in worship and we sing, it can also be powerful for your own faith to be lit on fire. The power and impact of salvation by grace is magnified into a single, focused beam of Jesus Christ. It scorches away sin and shame. It kindles a new fire of praise.

Think of this as the vertical element of worship, connecting personally with Jesus as if there’s nothing else going on in the world or the worship space. Your eyes might be closed in prayer or in praise. Your hands might be folded or raised. Your head might be bowed down or lifted up. 

The apostle Paul exclaims, “I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” There’s nothing better than Jesus, not even the collective sound of fellow saints singing. “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead” (Philippians 3:8,10,11). 

I won’t be formed by feelings, I hold fast to what is true

If the cross brings transformation then I’ll be crucified with You

‘Cause death is just the doorway into resurrection life

And if I join You in Your suffering then I’ll join You when You rise

Pay attention to this magnifying glass in worship, as you enjoy the vertical element of connecting personally with Jesus. And he is magnified—funneled, focused—in you to light a fire of faith and praise.

PRAYER: O! Christ, be magnified in me. Let your praise arise from the altar of my life. Bless my life of worship to connect with you more personally. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Listen to Cody Carnes’ song, “Christ Be Magnified,” either in this video with lyrics only, or this video in a live performance