CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Christ In Me

Those little words make all the difference. Prepositions. Like “on” or “around” or “through.” 4 hours “in” the hot sunshine produces a much different result (ouch, sunburn) than 4 hours “away from” the hot sunshine.

Check out the 3 big “little words” in this verse that provide 3 powerful promises about Jesus and you.

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).

FOR — Jesus died for you. This is a substitution and sacrifice. In your place, Jesus took the anger of God for your sins. You are forgiven because of Jesus’ sacrifice for you. Saved!

WITH — This is association, to be around or in the presence of. Jesus never leaves you or forsakes you. He is always near, always by your side, and will not lose you.

IN — What is it that makes an Amazon box at your front door light you up with eagerness? You’ve seen plenty of those Amazon boxes, and you recognize another one. It delights you. Why? Because of what is IN the box! Not the box itself.

Jesus Christ lives in you. He fills you. What is it that makes you special and saved? What brings a smile of delight to your Heavenly Father’s face? What makes the angels sit on the edge of their seats and then jump up and celebrate?

Not you alone. Not how you look or how well you achieve. Not your past or future. Those are all in the picture, for sure, but it’s more about who is in you. Jesus Christ.

He is alive! Risen from the dead! He is Lord of all, including all the things in you and in your life that threaten you, disturb you, worry you, or hurt you. They answer to Jesus, who has chosen you as his residence.

In you, Jesus sits on the throne of his kingdom. In you, Jesus prays faithfully to his Father. In you, Jesus invites the Holy Spirit to equip and empower your faith.

Your God and Savior is that personal, that committed, that he doesn’t just visit, but moves in!

PRAYER: Christ, my Savior, you are for me, you are with me, you are in me. By your grace, I believe this. Fill me today with your peace, and shine through me so that I reflect your peace to others. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Review the FOR and WITH and IN of Galatians 2:20. Meditate about how each is different, connecting you to Jesus through faith. In what circumstances do you appreciate each?