When you ask “Why am I here?” with curious faith that lets God answer, amazing things happen. Because God’s grace, God’s Word, and God’s purpose is so much bigger than any of us, so beyond even our best ideas.
When someone irritably sees everyone else on their team as a bunch of idiots and asks “why am I here?” that may be less of a question and more judgmental pride.
When someone denies their body’s natural, God-given gender, looks at their body and asks “why am I here?” that may be less of a question and more a rebellious protest accusing the perfect, holy God of making a mistake.
When someone pounds the steering wheel stuck in traffic during their 90-minute commute to or from work, that may be less of a question and more blaming others for their own decisions turning out to be difficult beyond their expectations.
There’s a good list of people in the Bible who asked “Why am I here?”
When it was a constant complaint—like the Israelites in the wilderness longing to return to Egypt, like Job who wished he hadn’t been born and told God he messed up, like King Saul who became so full of himself there was no room for God—it didn’t go well.
These people were on their own mission, not God’s. They chose the wrong path of sinful pride, rebellion and selfishness.
Others in the Bible asked “Why am I here?” and it wasn’t a complaint, but a truly curious question of faith.
Jacob wrestled with God in prayer and learned how to fight and how to let go in faith both at the same time. “I will not let you go unless you bless me” (Genesis 32:26).
Joseph was betrayed by his brothers and framed by his boss yet didn’t give up on God’s plan.
“Why am I here?” you ask. What a wonderful question of curious faith, trusting in the answer of a Savior who has died for you, rose from the dead to conquer the control of sin in your life right now and welcome you someday to eternal life in heaven.
If you can trust him with your salvation, then you can trust him with putting you in places and among people where you will be on his mission with him, because he’s already there. “Why am I here?” we ask. “Because I’m here, too,” Jesus says. “Along with that person who needs to believe in me. Let’s go to work.”
PRAYER: Jesus, you invite me to join you on your mission, which is right here. I need help being more aware, realizing what you’re up to, and responding to it with a passion for those who don’t yet believe in you. Lead me to them, but please come with me as you promise. Amen.
SPIRITUAL NEXT STEP: Reminder for CrossLifers to work on your spiritual next step from Sunday: Before you invite others, Jesus invites you! What is Jesus inviting you to notice, believe or wrestle with?