CrossLife- PF

Don’t Leave Me Alone

“Mockers resent correction, so they avoid the wise … a mocker does not respond to rebukes … The proud and arrogant person—‘Mocker’ is his name” (Proverbs 15:12; 13:1; 21:24).

That word “rebuke” means to “show the facts” and “to lead in the right way.” It implies that we may be headed the wrong way at times, and it is not wrong for someone to show us how to get back on the path of righteousness.  

Even God himself has enough care and concern to intervene in our lives with rebuke. “Do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves” (Proverbs 3:11-12).  

It could be specific circumstances—troublesome or painful or distressing—that the Lord uses to rebuke us, to “lead us in the right way.” It could be a person whom he leads to us to tell us lovingly what is wrong with our attitude, to help us make the right decision, or to tell us what we already know but perhaps we are hesitant to do. It is certainly the preaching and teaching of God’s Word that can rebuke us and “lead us in the right way.”

As God’s people, we are urged to give loving rebuke, and to receive loving rebuke, with a glad heart and a mind tuned in to Scripture. As a matter of fact, the Bible goes so far as to rebuke us for not rebuking others who need it.  

“Better is open rebuke than hidden love,” one proverb teaches (Proverbs 27:5). God prefers that we speak the truth in love, instead of covering up what should be said because we selfishly fear ridicule or rejection.

“Correct, rebuke and encourage–with great patience and careful instruction” (2 Timothy 4:2). With this command from God comes the promise of God in our sermon text that the recipient of loving rebuke “will gain knowledge” (Proverbs 19:25). 

Literally, it means that such a person will be able to see better. Those of you with eyeglasses understand how impaired your sight is without them. You need your glasses. That’s what a loving rebuke does for us—without it we think we can see okay, but we can’t see everything there is to see. With loving rebuke, we can see better, we can see more, we can clearly see what God expects, and what God promises to those who follow his path.

Giving and receiving loving rebuke is what God intends for his people. Let’s not leave each other alone.

PRAYER: I can feel attacked when someone rebukes or corrects me, Lord. Give me a new spirit that trusts in loving admonition and beneficial criticism. Calm my fears and hush the lies I believe, so that I truly see better with others’ help. Amen.

REBUKE OR REBUKED? Which are you more likely to avoid? Being rebuked, or rebuking someone? Why? What did you learn from God’s Word today?