Loss can hurt. Losing a position. Losing a friend. Even losing a game.
Jesus once said, “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:37).
I have a note written in my Bible next to that statement of Jesus that says:
Think of what Jesus’ mother went through, because of his love for his Father.
Jesus loved God his Father more than he loved his mother. Now, somehow that doesn’t sound right to us, it seems like it diminishes Mary and Jesus isn’t respecting her.
But think about this. If Jesus has replaced his Father with Mary and submitted to her as his god and lord, he wouldn’t have been crucified. He wouldn’t have conquered death. He wouldn’t have saved his mother.
By loving God the Father, Jesus was still able to show the best of his love to his mother.
Sometimes priorities are painful. But when others are loving and glorifying God more than you, just patiently pray and watch it play out. Accept the loss and pain you feel. God is in it.
In the process you will find what you wouldn’t have otherwise received. “Whoever loses their life for my sake will find it,” Jesus promised (v. 39).
And then he did lose his own life, and found a resurrected, glorious one.
PRAYER: Loss is difficult, Jesus, especially when I’m losing something that has become precious and valuable to me. Stay by my side in times of loss. Send me the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide me. Keep my faith focused on your promises. And give me peace that allows others to love you more than me. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Take 5 minutes right now. Just press pause and be silent with your own heart. Think about what or who you are tempted to love more than Jesus. What is more valuable? Who is more important? Repent by visualizing yourself giving that thing or person to Jesus. His caring smile and capable hands receive them, with a look in his eye that says to you, “Now I know you love me more than these.”