CrossLife- PF

God Loves You Through and Through

“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:23,24). 

When you were a kid, did you ever cut the inside of your lip or need a tooth pulled? And you needed mom or dad to reach in your mouth? And they said, “Eeew. I love you and all the other parts of you, but I don’t love sticking my finger in your mouth. No way.” 

Through all your years of school, mom or dad helped you. Except that one year your mom or dad said, “I’ll help you in all other grades, but not second grade.” 

Parents don’t love just part of their kids, but not other parts, or take care of their kids just some times and not other times. They love all of each kid all the time.

That’s what this verse says about you and all God’s children who believe in Jesus.

Which parts of you, your faith, your life, your sins, and your troubles experience God’s peace? All of them. All of you.

Completely sanctified by God, meaning he totally saves you and everything in you, and sets you apart into his spiritual family and a safe place for the future.

From now, through the future, until the end of time at the coming of Christ, God calls you to faith in him and obeying his will. How can you really obey him? Because God “who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.” 

Facing a future without fear starts with a faithful God, who doesn’t make predictions but promises.


Dear God, there are parts of me that aren’t so presentable, and times in my life that aren’t the most commendable. You promise that you love all parts of me, and all times of my life. Thank you for your unconditional peace. I want to be faithful like you. Amen.

Further Meditation

Slow down, and use the PRAY acronym.

  • Praise (tell God what you appreciate about him)
  • Repent (tell God about your sins, trust in his promises of forgiveness)
  • Ask (go ahead, think big, or focus on a small detail, God wants to hear it all)
  • Yield (talk to God about the next step after you say “Amen,” how you want faith to lead the way, how you are willing to be part of his answer and see it develop for your good)
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