The Lord God laid it out, like warning us ahead of time that he’s serious about salvation. “I will be zealous for my holy name” (Ezekiel 39:25).
Zeal is fiery and fervent, passionate about a purpose, energetic and even explosive. Zeal is a trait of God that he wants in his believers, too. “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11).
Unfortunately, we can become zealous in the wrong direction—usually toward our own selfish aims. So zeal gets a bad rap, and church people are told to calm down, have more committee meetings to fill out spreadsheets, read only pre-approved devotional material, never smile or clap in church, quietly listen to the Bible experts, not talk about money or politics in church, and make sure they don’t misrepresent the holy doctrines of heaven if they ever talk to a friend about Jesus.
That seems like an overzealous prohibition of zeal, doesn’t it? Don’t get me wrong, we should definitely prohibit any kind of behavior that pursues our own selfish aims ahead of Jesus or others. But, let’s remember that as the real problem.
Zeal is not the problem. Motive is the problem. Scan up to the verses above. What’s the motive for God’s zeal? His holy name. There is no higher, holier motive than that. And why should we be filled with zeal and fervor? To serve the Lord. Holy zeal!
When was the last time you let loose with some holy zeal and did something for the kingdom of God that felt foolish, naughty or like you’d get in trouble with the religious police?
Because of their zeal, Jesus referred to Simon Peter as The Rock, and to brothers James and John as The Sons of Thunder. Man, these sound like names of professional wrestlers, right?
My nickname as a Harley Davidson rider and enthusiast is Revvv. Get it? Go fast. Be loud. As a pastor serving Jesus’ mission. Honestly, I need to work on that. Sometimes I’d rather stay in the safe harbor of my office or recliner at home, shush up when there’s trouble, and take things slowly. And. Very. Methodically.
Peter was more like ready, fire, aim. James and John asked Jesus if they could call down fire on detractors who opposed him. I see burning zeal in those guys. I hear the nicknames that Jesus gave them less as rebuking and more as refining.
Don’t be afraid of zeal. Be afraid of a lack of zeal.
PRAYER: It is burning, fervent and passionate, Lord. Your zeal is energetic and explosive for my salvation and holy living. I need your passionate love for my lack of zeal. Kindle the fires of my zeal and direct them for your purpose. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Here’s a good article about The Sons of Thunder.