Your life has meaning and purpose. It has direction and boundaries. It is not chaos. It is not out of control. It is not meaningless.
“All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them” (Psalm 139:16,17)!
Your life, including this moment, is all written in God’s book and it’s like each day has a number. This is not fatalism and you are not a robot. You’re God’s child.
Think for a minute how moms plan special days for their children—a birthday party, spring break, a camping trip, graduation celebrations—the planning is scripted but the person is not.
Kids will spill red Kool-Aid or throw temper tantrums in the back seat of the car or throw up in the back seat of the car. Moms deal with it, all within their special plans they have “ordained.”
So God in his grace nurtures you within his plans to be the you that you can be. The you that he designed, and equipped to fulfill your purpose.
And it’s all based on God’s bigger book—the Bible. God planned and ordained special days for his own Son in that book. Jesus’ birth. Jesus’ first miracle. Jesus’ suffering, death and rising from the dead.
Each of those days was not out of control or an accident, but God’s heart—like a mother’s heart—giving his love to you, sacrificing for you, embracing you through the saving work of Jesus Christ.
So tomorrow morning, put your feet on the floor, stretch, and praise God. Look in the mirror and praise God. Go about your daily tasks and praise God. Check in on social media and praise God.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:14). You are wonderfully you, designed “fearfully,” meaning “awesomely” by an awesome God!
And he works to ordain your days with beauty, purpose, grace, identity, and more blessings than you can count. Believe that, and be God’s best version of you!
PRAYER: I praise you, God, for making me awesome! With love and sacrifice, your works save me and set me apart for a special purpose. Work in me and through me today, so that I am confident in my identity and can represent you to others. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: If you’d like, you can watch my sermon message on Psalm 139. I focus on the nature and nurture of God’s work, designing our identity and purpose. It’s a bit of a tribute to mothers, too.