CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

God’s Love Is Greater

God knows so much more than your hurting heart. 

“This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything” (1 John 3:19-20). 

God knew, even before he painted the colors of tulips at the beginning of the world, that he would someday create you and he already knew then what color he’d paint your unique personality. 

God knew every one of your sins for which his own Son suffered, and now they can’t catch him off guard. 

God knows your emotional makeup and spiritual weaknesses, and so he fills in the gaps and nurtures you like a shepherd who knows each of his sheep by name. 

God knows the marriage vow you made to remain faithful unto death, and your heart hunger that longs to say “no” to your favorite sin for good. 

God knows your name written in his book of life, he knows the exact day and time he gave birth to you in baptism, and he knows the prayer you prayed three years, seven months, sixteen days, two hours, and thirty-eight minutes ago and have since forgotten—but he hasn’t.

There is nothing that can get in the way of God and you when you believe these to be true. 

Nothing you do can make him love you less. God’s love is greater!

PRAYER: God, how did you know? How did you know what I needed? What I prayed for so silently? Where I would be going? Who could help me? The reminder I needed? You not only know everything, but you know me and love me. God, I want to know and love you more. Amen.

EVANGELISM ACTION: Share today’s prayer with a friend.