Kids test their parents all the time.
How many times can they say “mom, mom, mom” until she answers? How loud can they play their music before dad says “turn it down!”
Kids are always testing their parents. They’re very good at it, and most of the time parents don’t like it.
God actually invites and expects us to test him. Specifically, to test his ability and willingness to do what he says. Will he keep his word? Will his promises come true for us? And the area of our lives where he wants us to test him is in our giving.
“‘Test me in this,’ says the Lord Almighty” (Malachi 3:10).
This week, our CrossLife family is offering God our initial gifts and also ten weeks of increased giving as part of Living Generously.
We’ve studied and celebrated God’s Word for 6 Sundays in worship, and 6 weeks in LifeGroups, and 6 weeks of praying and preparing.
We’ve filled out the TEN for TEN Generosity Sunday Plan Cards, and are giving them to God in sealed envelopes.
What we wrote on that card for an increase in our giving is certainly a test for each of us, but it is not only our test, it is also God’s. So it’s like you are taking a test, sitting next to God (here he refers to himself as the Lord Almighty), not sure of the right answers, not sure if you can do it, and he leans over and says, “Here you go. We’ll get it right together.”
Will you be faithful to your planned giving? Can you do it for ten weeks? God is faithful. God can do it. Take the test with him and you will always pass.
PRAYER: Dear God, I know that I face tests of my faith often, and now you invite me to test your faithfulness. I believe that you are true, faithful and holy. Assure me in times of weakness that you are my strength. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: God says, “Go ahead, test me in this.” What does that say about his confidence level? About yours?