I’ve been spending a few days now focused more than usual on the people around me. I didn’t plan it. But circumstances have divinely aligned and I’m paying attention.
“Lord, show me. Tell me. Change me. Work in me and through me. Guide me. Heal and help me. Take me. Lead me.”
Jesus knows my heart better than I do, and yours too. He also knows my life-change focus for this year, which I’ve been praying about. More on that another time. But this is divinely connected.
It got intense this morning during my devotion time with the Lord. I was encouraged to imagine waking up to a great and devastating battle. A desperate hour. Lives depend on right decisions and honorable actions.
Sacrifice. Devotion. Courage is needed. The battle is fierce. The enemy is evil, and has the power to destroy and kill. I will face problems and experience pain. I will question myself, and lean into a Savior and his mission bigger than me.
“I’ll go! I’ll do it!” I say.
Not quite yet. Because I can’t go alone. I can’t do it alone. I need others. I must rely on others if I’m going into battle. And here they are. The people God has brought into my life. They do much more than decorate it with fun, friendship and a faith we often share.
They protect me. They save me from myself. They sacrifice for me. They defend me. They stay by me. They know me and still like me. They give of their time, their expertise, their attention so that I can take on the mission.
We battle together.
It’s more than being acquainted. It’s more than knowing each other. It’s even more than loving each other. It’s being desperate together. It’s being vulnerable together. It’s taking God-honoring risks together. It’s being honest with each other. It’s truly seeing and understanding each other. It’s looking at the uncharted horizon and saying, “Let’s go. Together.”
And so I kept thinking, is there any hero of any story that does it entirely alone? Anyone called to save the planet—or the neighborhood—who is totally independent? Totally a solo act without any helpful support, past mentoring, tender influence or brute fire power provided by another?
I can’t think of one. Not even Jesus. He was led by the Holy Spirit and relied on help from angels (Mark 1:12,13). He thrived with glory from the Father (John 17). He sought companionship with his disciples (Matthew 26:36-38).
Superman didn’t act alone, just ask Lois Lane.
Luke Skywalker didn’t blow up the Death Star all by himself. I mean, there’s Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han, Chewy, R2, C3, Princess Leia …
Dorothy journeyed to the Wizard of Oz with faithful friends.
I look at the people around me. Medical staff on the front lines as my wife battles cancer (her coworkers are awesome too). Church staff, leaders and cheerleaders who sing and clap and serve. Family. CrossLife Christian Academy students who give hugs and high fives. Friends—old and new. Some folks I’ve never met but they pray and I am blessed.
I am blessed. Let’s go!
PRAYER: God, thank you for the people you have placed in my life. If I see them as anything less than a blessing to me, strengthen my soul to repent, rejoice that they’re on my side, and go into this world’s battles with the best team ever! Amen.
GROW DEEPER: Pause and appreciate the talents, faith, passion and difference-making of the people in your life. Thank God that they’re not on another team, but on yours! They got you! Now, get going!