CrossLife- PF

Happily Married

A young girl had just seen Cinderella and was testing her aunt’s knowledge of the story. The aunt, wanting to impress the young girl, said, “Okay, but I know what happens at the end.

What?” the girl inquired.

Cinderella and the prince live happily ever after.

To which the girl answered knowingly, “No they didn’t, they got married!

Ouch. That tells you a bit about what some children think of marriage. If they only knew that marriage is, truly, living happily. Marriage is something happy, right?

True happiness in marriage is found in the truth about marriage. And the truth about marriage is that it belongs to God. Not the calendar. Not the caterer. Not even the mother of the bride.

Marriage belongs to God. He made it. He established the boundaries and the blessings. He watches over it. He attends every wedding and helps every husband and works with every wife.

In the very beginning, God instituted marriage as a divine creation when he made Eve and “brought her to the man” (Genesis 2:22), and then said “they will become one flesh” (2:24). The marriage union is not created by lucky stars but by the greatest power in the universe, who also offers the greatest love. God himself.

If you’re in love but not yet married, please consult with God’s blessings and boundaries for marriage so that you know ahead of time the happiness God has in mind for you within the realm of “I do.

If you’re married and wondering where the happiness went, remember that your marriage involves three parties—you, your spouse, and God—and one of them can never go wrong.

If you’re happily married, then thank God for keeping his promise, and speak well of him and your spouse.

If you’re not married and don’t plan to be any time soon, your outsider perspective based on God’s truth can be a big blessing to a married couple. Encourage them.

People can really be married and live happily ever after. When husband and wife count on more than a calendar. When they count on God.

PRAYER: O Designer of marriage and Giver of all that is good, renew the love of husbands and wives today, reminding them that you are their unity and their rock. When happiness ebbs and selfishness rules, offer your healing forgiveness and reflect your love through the love of a husband and wife for each other. Make marriage happy, God! Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Read Ephesians 5:31-33 where the Apostle Paul quotes Genesis to teach about marriage. In these verses, where do you see Jesus as the key to a happy marriage?

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