CrossLife- PF

Here’s What You Don’t Know

One of the best ways to remain positive during the storms and troubles of life is to read the end of the story. God’s story about us. It says: “We win!” 

Jesus clearly teaches that after he rises from the dead and ascends to heaven, he will rule all things from there. At some point, he will physically return to this earth. This is his second coming, and the end of this world as we know it. All believers will live happily ever after with him in heaven forever. 

When will that happen? And how does it make a difference for your life today?

Jesus says, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come” (Mark 13:32,33). 

Nobody knows when we will meet our maker, but everybody can be prepared. You don’t have to know the time. 

Though you don’t know when the end of this world will come, you do know that you were not made for this world. Look at Jesus’ words here. Even Jesus, while in this world, didn’t know the day or hour. 

As God, Jesus knows all things, but while on earth he chose not to have the exact time of this world’s end entered on his human mental calendar. He knew as much as you and I know. Zilch. 

So what did he do? Party like there’s no tomorrow? Purchase possessions? No, he prepared not only himself, but others. Jesus wasn’t a consumer but a contributor. 

Jesus didn’t know the time, but did know that his Father’s purpose for him was to save sinners by a perfect life and sacrificial death. Jesus didn’t know the time but did know his Father’s love for everyone in the world. 

Without knowing everything his Father knew, Jesus accomplished everything his Father wanted. 

You don’t know everything, but that doesn’t need to stop you from being fully prepared. You don’t know everything, but that can’t stop you from being a contributor more than a consumer. 

While we wait for Jesus’ return, attentively focus on what you do know. You do know that God’s purpose for you is to believe in Jesus, pray to him and follow him as the number one love of your life. You do know that God loves the world, loves everyone, and wants you to be so loving to them that they see Jesus’ love in you and that they believe in Jesus too.

Be prepared so well, that you help prepare others, too. Be a contributor.

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, help me be prepared for your return to this world, and to prepare others, too. Focus my attention on your kingdom and priorities. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Read Mark 13:32-37. For more teaching, watch the message I preached about it on Sunday called “Contributor or Consumer.”