CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

He’s Eager to Dine with You

The Bible tells us, “Jesus knew that his time had come” (John 13:1). What if you knew that you had only one day to live? What would you do? 

We know what Jesus did. Jesus had one day left to live, and he shared Holy Communion – this very moment not waiting another minute – with his disciples. 

Jesus found his disciples, in general, to be loyal companions. They stood by his side when many others hadn’t. They listened to his teaching and preaching. They walked miles of dusty roads with him and sailed through storms with him. They had even made preparations for this meal. This is indeed a good time for Jesus to share his final moments with his disciples, but is it a good time for them? 

At this point, they still don’t understand as much as they should about the kingdom of God. Even now, in this upper room, “a dispute arose among them as to which of them was considered to be the greatest” (Luke 22:24) then Jesus announces that Peter will deny him and those whom he asks to keep watch with him will fall asleep. Is now really a good time for Holy Communion?

Certainly we who follow Jesus today wonder the same thing about taking Holy Communion. Should I perhaps wait for a better time to approach the altar of God, when I’ve had the chance to show him better love and obedience? The answer is found in the words Jesus spoke next to his disciples in the upper room. “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer” (Luke 22:15).

Think of a time when you just couldn’t wait for an upcoming event. An appointment with a new client. A date. A job interview. A vacation. It distracts you from the daily routine so that you can’t focus on much of anything else. 

Jesus says he felt the same way about eating with his disciples now, before he suffered. Later won’t do. Waiting for them to better understand, better behave, better believe isn’t an option. 

Jesus doesn’t need that. He wants to – eagerly desires to – share this intimate, personal moment with these slackers and sinners the way they are right now. 

Jesus is eager for you to join him in Holy Communion, instructed in his Word and invited by his grace. Eat and drink. Now. As you are – a repentant sinner, a humble follower eager for his forgiveness. And when you do, you’ll find that instead of you changing for Holy Communion … Holy Communion changes you.

PRAYER: Change me, Jesus, when I receive Holy Communion. As your humanity fought off sinful temptations, let your body that I receive strengthen me to say “no” to sin. As your death paid for sins, let your blood that I receive cover the sins which plague my conscience and the sins that don’t bother me as much as they should. I, too, am eager for this meal. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Read Luke 22:14-30, the account of Jesus instituting Holy Communion. Perhaps as preparation for receiving Holy Communion today.