CrossLife- PF

How God’s Love Fills You

“Whoever does not love, does not know God” (1 John 4:8). 

Not loving equals not knowing God. When you don’t love the way that God thinks you should, then you don’t know God as much as you think you do. See what the Bible is saying? 

There is a direct connection between a lack of love and a lack of God in your life. Where there is less love, it’s because there is less God. So if you want more love in your life, it’s possible. When there is more God in your life.

“Let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God” (1 John 4:7). 

See how love is connected, more than anything, to God? Not just the love you feel and need and receive, but the love you give, the love you speak and think, the love that won’t let you give up or grow weary. 

It doesn’t come just from your ability or desire. It comes, first and most powerfully, from God. There’s such a strong connection here that the Bible says when you love it shows that you have “been born of God.” 

That’s a new life. A new identity. A person defined not by their own choices but by God’s spiritual choice to adopt you through baptism into his holy family. 

“If we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us” (1 John 4:12). 

How can you take another night of a screaming baby waking you up every 1 hour and 45 minutes? God’s love fills you; there’s nothing missing in your ability and desire to love, because God loves you. God lives in you so he’s already waking up and shuffling down the hallway with you. 

How can you keep on doing more dirty dishes and dirty laundry? God’s love fills you; there’s nothing missing in your ability and desire to love, because God loves you. God lives in you so he’s already standing at the sink or in the laundry room with you. 

How can you forgive a parent’s anger or neglect or unmet expectations? God’s love fills you; there’s nothing missing in your ability and desire to love, because God loves you. God lives in you so he’s already forgiving with you. 

How can you intervene with tough love in a spouse’s dark and sinful journey into addiction, porn, workaholism or unfaithfulness to your marriage? God’s love fills you; there’s nothing missing in your ability and desire to love, because God loves you. God lives in you so he’s already on the scene in this difficult conversation. Let him guide you. Do it with love. Be honest, gentle and firm. That’s love.

PRAYER: God, you are love. I confess that my selfishness is not your design for love. I need to know you more, trust you more and live fully in your love for me. Thank you for the love of Jesus, and inviting me to love others. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Which person in your life is most difficult to love right now? Why? Pray about this. Reflect. Write in a journal. Make it a goal to write a prayer about them, and about God giving you the love you need to love them his way.