CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

How Much Does Jesus Love You?

How much does Jesus give to you? How much healing and hope? How much mercy? How much provision and power? How much of his personal presence? 

When he suffered and died for you, did he throw his hands in the air and say,”Enough, I can’t take any more,” and bail out? 

How attentive is he when listening to your prayers. Does he watch the birds flit around for entertainment while you are droning on and on about your problems? 

How much does Jesus love you?

More than you need.

Jesus miraculously fed over 5,000 hungry people so full that his disciples collected leftover food. He fills your life with more than you need. Follow him and you’ll find more than morsels. 

Jesus miraculously turned water into not just any wine, but the best of the best wine. He abundantly turns your empty hopes and dreams into the best of his best blessings. Drink from him and you’ll be filled. 

Jesus gives you more than necessary, more than you need, more than enough. Be satisfied with him, more than everything else. 

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). 

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, you save and bless me to the full, and more. Teach me to be joyfully content, peacefully satisfied, and remarkably grateful. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: List 5 ways that Jesus has given you more than enough in the last week. Say a prayer of thanks.