We complain about bad drivers, rude neighbors, government ineptitude, problems that we ourselves caused, and of course we complain about the weather.
Complaining is a symptom of selfishness, fear and pride. When you complain, you are basically cursing God for his good gifts, good work, and good will.
God miraculously rescued his special people the Israelites from captivity and slavery in Egypt with ten epic plagues. He delivered them to the other side of the Red Sea, and they started their journey across the wilderness.
“The people were thirsty for water there, and they grumbled against Moses. They said, ‘Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock die of thirst?’ Then Moses cried out to the Lord, ‘What am I to do with these people? They are almost ready to stone me’” (Exodus 17:3,4)!
The people complained about Moses and God. Moses complained about the people and God. Why? Because the people believed it was impossible for them to survive, or at least be satisfied. Moses believed these people were impossible to deal with, and they threatened his sense of security and self-worth.
What do you do when you face the impossible? Admit that sometimes you complain, too.
Jesus was stuck in the wilderness once. Barely surviving 40 days without any food. Blistering hot. God the Father and Holy Spirit had a purpose for him there, and it wasn’t pleasant. The devil didn’t miss the opportunity, and tempted Jesus to use his miraculous powers and turn the stones to bread.
“This is obviously an impossible situation, Jesus! It’s not fair or good. Where is your Father? Do something, Jesus!”
Pound your fist on the steering wheel or through the wall. Quit the team because they’re all idiots. Rant on social media. Slash away with sharp sarcasm.
No. Jesus refuses. Jesus doesn’t complain. He compliments. Why doesn’t Jesus complain? Because people and situations are never impossible with God. Jesus quotes Scripture from the Old Testament and says, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).
Sweaty. Thirsty. Desperate. Lonely. Afraid. Jesus is not going to change any of those by complaining, but he does change them by complimenting God the Father and Holy Spirit. Did you hear it? The words of God, they give life even more than bread.
“The powerful, saving words of God,” Jesus says, “those make this situation not impossible.”
The words of God always work, they guide and help you, they forgive and save you, they show you that when you think something is impossible, with God all things are possible.
It’s even possible for God to give you strength to compliment instead of complain. It’s even possible for God to forgive you for all the complaining you’ve ever done. By never complaining about you.
Jesus never complains. Even when you’re hard to love. Even when you’re complaining too much. He went all the way to dying on the cross without complaining, to save you. For this purpose: to compliment not complain.
PRAYER: God, I’m sorry for complaining too much, for denying your promises and putting myself ahead of others, and you. As Jesus suffered death without complaining, forgive my complaints and replace them with compliments. Let me live with more kindness, mercy and patience. Amen.
BONUS MATERIAL: So what happened when the Israelites complained? The Bible later reports, “‘The Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob.’ They did not thirst when he led them through the deserts; he made water flow for them from the rock; he split the rock and water gushed out” (Isaiah 48:20,21). God makes the impossible possible. God made water come from a rock, and just as impossible, God’s heart filled with patient mercy when people he loved did not love him the same way, and complained.
It was a big compliment God gave to them: I love you. Here, I’ll make a way from this impossible situation for you to continue to live, because I believe those mouths filled with complaints will change when filled with God’s living water. They will now be filled with compliments. With praise for God. With love and kindness for others.