CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

How Well Do You Understand Your Spouse?

How well do you understand your spouse? 

Why does he get upset when she spends money? Why does she feel neglected when he plays softball with the guys on the weekend?

This explains it right here: “Each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband” (Ephesians 5:33).

A godly man is designed by God to provide for and protect his family. He takes on this responsibility by God’s assignment. Here’s what it can look like:

  • Locking doors around the home, or installing security.
  • Getting stern when his wife doesn’t wear or seatbelt or use her turn signal.
  • Repairing things around the house.
  • Preaching about family finances and the need to plan appropriately for retirement.

Wives, when your husband is mindful of your safety and security, when he ensures that you are cared for, when he pursues extra income or addresses your spending habits—as long as these are done with an unselfish love—he is acting as God’s agent. 

God is using your husband to bless you. So respect him for that.

A godly woman is designed by God to support, connect and nurture her family. She takes on this responsibility by God’s assignment. Here’s what it can look like:

  • Creating family traditions.
  • Decorating the home to make it feel welcoming.
  • Remembering birthdays and anniversaries. 
  • Being sensitive to the social calendar, spending time with friends and family.

Husbands, when your wife is mindful of relationships, when she tunes into shared feelings, when she’s concerned about how things look (or how she looks)—as long as these are done with an unselfish love—she is acting as God’s agent. 

God is using your wife to bless you. So love her for that. 

PRAYER: God, thank you for the gift of marriage that blesses our world, even as husbands and wives are designed by you to bless each other. Open the hearts and homes of husbands and wives to love and respect each other. Amen.

TAKE IT DEEPER: Read Ephesians 5:22-24 where God talks to wives, then read Ephesians 5:25-28 where God talks to husbands. How many times does the word “as” appear in each of the two sections? Why is this important?