CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

In the Picture

Do you have a picture showing you standing next to someone you’d rather not remember? An ex? A cousin who stole money? A photo bomber who ruined the perfect shot? Or maybe you’ve edited them out of the picture and replaced them with a tree.

Think someone has a picture in their possession and they wish you weren’t in it? Or they’ve edited you out of their picture, and their life? 

The genealogies of Jesus that appear in the Bible are pictures. Family pictures. Jesus poses proudly with his family. Believers are God’s family (Ephesians 3:15), children of the heavenly Father (Ephesians 5:1) whose brother is Jesus himself (Hebrews 2:14-17).

You’d think Jesus would divinely alter the family picture a bit to distance himself from some of us shady relatives. Instead, he mercifully mentions those relatives first in the Scriptures. Because the requirements for being in the picture with Jesus—part of his family—are fulfilled by his saving work on our behalf. 

We’re tempted to think that we disqualify ourselves from God’s family. The mercy of Jesus doesn’t allow for that.

Sinners, even scandalous sinners, are part of the family. 

At the conclusion of the book of Ruth the Bible closes with a family picture—a genealogy. There’s Perez, born in some unusual circumstances and conceived scandalously by Tamar who pretended she was a prostitute and slept with her father-in-law. 

Next to Perez stands Amminadab whose son-in-law, Aaron, led the Israelites in worshipping the golden calf. 

Salmon is smiling, proud that he married a prostitute named Rahab. 

And there is Boaz, who married a poor, foreign widow named Ruth. 

Oh, and front and center standing next to Jesus is David, who besides being a great king was a dirty liar and murderer. On the other side of Jesus, well, there you are. 

With your family. In the picture forever.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, you have made me your child in baptism and you keep your promises to me every day. When I find myself thinking that I am somehow disqualified from your family, reassure me by your mercy. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Have you ever read through a genealogy in the Bible, and not skipped ahead? Be honest. Now, try it again. Read Ruth 4:18-22.