On this beach, we’re hearing a lot of begging. Jesus landed here with his disciples, and promptly a demon named Legion—bodily possessing a man—runs up to Jesus, bows down, and begs.
“Don’t torture me!” … And he begged Jesus again and again … The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs!” (Mark 5:7,10,11)
While the demon(s) beg Jesus, the disciples are watching and perhaps wondering, “Why does Jesus let this filthy evil spirit(s) even say a word? Just say the word and be done!” But Jesus lets them beg, to make something very clear.
Jesus is in charge, and the demons—his very enemies—display that perfectly.
So, have faith when your darkness is deep, when the shadows linger, when the healing hasn’t come. Jesus is in charge, and he has a good plan to be glorified through even the ungodly, the injustice, the dark and demonic. It will work for your good.
Sadly, we’re told that the people who lived in the beach town didn’t believe that. Jesus cast out the demons and sent them into the pigs, and the townsfolk didn’t appreciate it. They begged Jesus to leave. He would, but only after spending a little quality time with the man, now healed of the demon possession, and himself again.
As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed (Mark 5:18-20).
This man begs to go with Jesus. Jesus proposes a counter offer. This man can change others’ lives like his has been changed, by telling them about Jesus back at home.
There’s nothing more powerful than the personal story of someone who has been changed by Jesus.
Jesus “saved a man and started a mission.”1
That’s what he does for you. Why not beg Jesus, “Can I go and tell someone how much you have done for me?” You could share with them this Bible verse from 1 John 3:8: “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.”
Why not beg them (politely, don’t whine or nag) to meet for coffee or chat a bit after work? Then tell them how much Jesus has done for you.
They’ll be amazed. Maybe they’ll beg you to learn more.
PRAYER: Jesus, you’ve done so much for me. I want it to inspire me more often, so that I tell others about it. I beg you to change them, like you’ve changed me. The one person I’m thinking about who I want to tell is _______. Amen.
TAKE THE NEXT STEP: Read the account of Jesus healing the man possessed by Legion, in Mark 5:1-20. Here’s more teaching from my Sunday message.
1 I am grateful for the commentary by E. Allen Sorum in 2000 Demons No Match for My Savior: Jesus’ Infinite Power Over Evil.