CrossLife- PF

Jesus and Money

Jesus had more to say about money than almost any other topic.

Out of the 38 parables Jesus told 16 had to do with money and possessions.

1 out of 10 verses in the Gospels deals directly with the subject of money.

The Bible offers about 500 verses about prayer, 500 about faith, and 2,000 about money.

This might spark the attention of investors, I mean, if you can get some advice from the Son of God about what to do with your money … you could get rich quick!

Rarely, however, did Jesus give practical advice about saving or investing. Out of the three main money issues, 1) how did you get it (did you earn it, inherit it, or receive it as a gift or was it gained through dishonesty, cheating, or oppressing others?), 2) what are you doing with it (managing it with balance and moderation or wasting it, exploiting others with it, refusing to share it?), and 3) what is it doing to you … Jesus’ mainly concentrated on the last issue. 

What is your money doing to you?

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” he advises (Luke 12:34). 

Since the treasures of this world rot or rust or decay or depreciate, Jesus reminds us that we’re better off investing in treasures with much more stability. Heavenly treasures like the forgiveness of sins, eternal life, prayer, and actively hearing and learning the Bible.

Jesus didn’t condemn money and possessions. After all, he reassured his followers that the heavenly Father provides shelter, salary, and sustenance. However, Jesus strongly warned that money doesn’t solve life’s biggest problems and you can’t worship both money and God.

So count your many blessings, use them first for investing in heavenly treasures, and trust that God will always give you whatever you need just like he promises.

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, reassure me that heavenly treasures are my most valuable wealth, so that I better trust in and enjoy my daily blessings. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Take 5 minutes right now and use the PRAY acronym.

  • Praise (thank God for his blessings of wealth and possessions)
  • Repent (confess that sometimes you’re more excited about the gift than the Giver)
  • Ask (pray not just for material blessings, but for the spiritual maturity to handle them)
  • Yield (talk to God about the next step after you say “Amen,” how you want faith to lead the way, how you are willing to be part of his answer and see it develop for your good)