CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Jesus Brings 4 Slices of Bread

The word “companion” literally means, “with bread.” A supplier of need. A source of nourishment. That’s what Jesus became for two of his followers who were lost after he died.

They didn’t believe that he physically had risen from the dead and was alive. Then he showed up, and walked with them on the road for a while. They didn’t recognize him. He asked them questions. They asked him questions. He started reviewing the Old Testament Scriptures with them, teaching about the promised Savior.

They made it to the place they were going, and Jesus stayed for dinner. Their companion, their Bread of Life, their Savior—filling their hungry souls.

When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us’” (Luke 24:30-32)? Jesus is like a loaf of spiritual bread for hungry souls. Four slices to be exact. Here they are:

“Their eyes were opened”—The eyes of his followers had been closed to Jesus and open to their own foolish opinions. When you are convinced that he’s forgotten you, that he doesn’t care, that he’s not acting for your good, these are your foolish opinions and they blind you to Jesus. The problem isn’t that Jesus has disappeared, but your blind vision is looking the other way.

“They recognized him”—They don’t just see Jesus like seeing a bunch of strangers in a restaurant. They recognize him. They know him and their hearts jump like your double-take when you’re traveling and think you see a friend in the airport. Yes! It’s them! “Hey! What are you doing here?” We who close off Jesus from our sight don’t expect to suddenly see him, but he is there. Our companion. Our bread bringer. Our forgiver and friend.

“He disappeared from their sight”—but not from their souls. Poof! Jesus vanishes into thin air like only God can do, but look at this. They don’t scream “No! Don’t leave us! Why would you leave us?!” Because Jesus has filled their hunger and they’re no longer searching for spiritual food. His nourishment remains and they are satisfied in him. He doesn’t need to physically be there for these followers or you. Like nutritious food can fuel your body with energy long after you eat, Jesus fuels your soul even if you can’t see him.

“Were not our hearts burning within us …”—When did their hearts burn? “… while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us.” Open Scriptures open eyes to see Jesus. Open Scriptures open hearts to burn with a strong, joyful glow. Open your Bible. Every day. You’ll find more of Jesus and your own burning heart.

Hungry hopes find their satisfaction not in seeing Jesus but in believing that the words and works of Jesus all culminate in his resurrection from the dead. Jesus is our Easter bread. This joyful confidence comes not from seeing the baker but from eating his bread. Believe in him and his words.

PRAYER: Jesus, sometimes I’m lost and lonely because I’m just looking for the wrong things, yet you’re still there. Attract the attention of my faith. Help me recognize your presence, and bring your bread to others. Amen.

EVANGELISM ACTION: Share this with a friend who needs Jesus.

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