CrossLife- PF

Joy When You’re Lost

As a child you wandered off in Walmart until that awful moment when you looked around and didn’t see mom or dad. You were lost. Disappointed that you wandered. Desperate to see someone you trust. Disoriented where to go next.

Jesus helped lots of people who had lost their way spiritually. As a matter of fact, Jesus was attracted to sinners disappointed in themselves, desperate to be loved and forgiven, or disoriented about God. 

Jesus would go hang out with people in town known as scoundrels and give them grace. Jesus would walk mercifully into the red light district to find prostitutes, forgive them and lead them to the purpose and meaning they were truly looking for. Jesus loved promising corrupt officials a way out, his divine pardon and peace. 

Jesus gained a reputation for this and some haters weren’t happy about it. So Jesus tells three lost and found stories in Luke 15 because he was criticized for welcoming sinners.

The first parable is about a shepherd who loses a sheep that wanders away from the flock. The shepherd searches and searches, and “When he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep’” (Luke 15:5,6).  In one word, how would you describe the shepherd’s reaction? Joy! 

The second parable is about a woman who loses money she has stashed away in her home. She turns the place upside down looking for it, “And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin’” (Luke 15:9). In one word, how would you describe the woman’s reaction? Joy! 

So Jesus is making it clear that he seeks and saves lost sinners. But there’s more. It’s not enough for you to know that God finds you and rescues you. Jesus wants you to know and believe this: God enjoys doing it! Joy. Reunited joy. Welcoming joy. 

This is such good news we hear from Jesus, holding his arms wide open to us and with the same arms holding back the critics who want to condemn us, including critical parents, cruel friends and even the church.

Look to Jesus more than other people, and you’ll live with more joy!

PRAYER: Jesus, you are full of joy and fill me with joy! Salvation is a celebration! Help me let my conversations know it and my face show it. I love being found by you, and pray that I can lead others along the way. Amen.

MEDITATION: What does your joy look like? If someone observes you through the day, would they describe you as happy and joyful? If someone sits next to you on Sunday, are they attracted by your joy?