Going to the rodeo is a pain—the tickets and food are expensive and the traffic lines long. Church can be a pain, too. But you’re missing out if you give up on either of them.

Notes And Next Steps

Hebrews 10:23-25 + Part 4 of the series “The Power Of Routine"

“One cannot ‘find’ community, because it isn’t something to be discovered … When we try to ‘find’ a church community, we only treat the church as a consumer.”

“You just gotta check it out. My church is the biggest pain. It’s great. You’ll love it!”

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. (Hebrews 10:24)

God left not the church, not sinners, but his own Son.


    1. “The internet has redefined community in terms of choice. For most of history, community has been a given—something bound to your physical location and comprising your neighbors and classmates and church down the street. You were literally stuck in a community, which forced you to forge relationships with the people you had. Those days are gone … Consumer approaches to ‘finding community’ naturally favor the easiest and smoothest route. If community is something you choose, naturally you choose one that will make your life simpler, not more complex” ( Have you seen this? How should a church respond?
    2. Read Acts 2:46-47. What makes public, large group church gatherings different than private, small group church gatherings when it comes to: enjoying each other, praising God, Bible study and prayer?
    3. How does God describe his ideal Church? Read Revelation 21:3. If Jesus visited CrossLife church today, what blessings of community would he see?