“You are the peace in our troubled sea,” the lyrics sing to God, our Lighthouse. “You will carry me safe to shore.”
My Lighthouse, by Christian artist Rend Collective, reminds us that the saving acts of God are not performed in a life that is paradise, but a life that is imperfect.
God doesn’t save us because we have it all together, because we have straight teeth and perfectly shaped waists, because our calendars are filled with peaceful relaxation and margin, and because we got all A’s in school and applause every time we enter a room.
Those people don’t need a Savior. Well, actually, those people don’t exist. But you and I do. We need God.
Wrestling. Doubts. Failure. Silence. Darkness. Storms.
“You are the peace in my troubled sea.”
I love this picture of a lighthouse being battered by a monstrous wave. What power and threat! And the lighthouse doesn’t budge.
So go there. Find safety in God, your Lighthouse. Not to avoid storms, but to cling more tightly to him when they rage.
Follow his light, not to see things perfectly but to have a beacon of brightness that directs your path even when your footsteps right ahead aren’t clear.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid” (Psalm 27:1)?
PRAYER: This world is full of trouble, Lord, but you are the Rock that will not budge and the Lighthouse that guides my way. Give me faith to follow, and to trust the only brightness I may see: your promises. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Watch the song video My Lighthouse and meditate on these truths. Name your troubles. Name your fears. They are real. Say them to God. Breathe them out, and let God hear them. Let him breathe them in. Let him then stand firm and strong, unintimidated. Not overpowered. Not scared. Then follow him.