CrossLife- PF

Name a Cockroach after an Ex. Then Feed It to an Animal.

Looking to send a cold, direct message to an ex that you’re no longer interested?*

The San Antonio Zoo will help. For a donation of $10, the zoo will name a cockroach after your not-so-special someone and feed it to an animal. Those not into bugs can choose a vegetable for $5 or a rodent for $25 instead.

During the annual “Cry Me a Cockroach” fundraiser donors can send their ex a digital Valentine’s Day card informing them that a cockroach, rodent, or veggie was named after them and fed to an animal. 

Do you have an especially stubborn ex? Hey, you can pay for a $150 upgrade, which includes a personalized video message to the recipient showing their cockroach, rodent or vegetable being devoured. 

Okay, so does this sound a bit cruel or graphic? Wouldn’t Jesus prefer that you send a Bible verse and a blessing to your ex? 

Well, Jesus once advised his disciples, “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet” (Matthew 10:14). 

That was a customary, graphic gesture that said, “We’re done.” Like in today’s culture we might say, “I’m washing my hands of this.” 

But done with what? Done loving the person? Not so fast. Jesus loves everybody. Jesus wants us to love everybody. Even your ex. Even yourself. Even your cranky coworker or neighbor whose political views annoy you. 

So how do you deal clearly and justly with people, while still loving them? Can you really send a Valentine’s Day greeting that informs someone they’ve been devoured? These are difficult dilemmas.

But we do have Jesus’ teachings and his own living example that we can do both. Just like Jesus dealt clearly and justly with sin, all the way to the cross, yet continues loving sinners even to this day. 

Need more help understanding or practicing this? Come to CrossLife during our February series about Jesus’ sermon on the mount. 

Oh, and two more things.

Zach, Ray and Adam are the most submitted ex-names so far. And to participate in the fundraiser, you need to submit your ex’s name online before Valentine’s Day. You can take it from here …

PRAYER: It’s not easy to deal with people clearly, justly and also in love, Lord. Yet that’s exactly how you deal with me and all sinners. Teach me, please. Draw me more into your love, and closer into your will and ways. I need more of you, Jesus. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Subscribe to our CrossLife YouTube Channel or Podcast and receive notifications when we post the sermons from this series. One upcoming sermon will speak directly to the difficulty of justice and forgiveness. 
