CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Power In The Blood

Blood has the power of life. Without it, you die. If it’s infected enough, you die. A person who has lost a lot of blood will live by the power of donated blood they receive.

Jesus’ blood has that power, not just for him but for you. By his death and shedding his perfect, innocent blood—God’s blood—Jesus gave you life, salvation, forgiveness, and assurance that your sin-stained blood is not your death. 

His divine blood is your life! 

Listen to this song called “Power in the Blood” by Christian artist Cody Carnes. Here are some of the lyrics:


Are you searching for a Savior?

Is there healing that you need?

Is your heart completely broken?

Have you lost yourself in grief?


Are you buried in depression?

Are you longing for some peace?

Is your past a weight you carry?

Are you desperate to be free?


There is wonder-working power

In the blood of the Lamb.


We were overcome by Your blood

And this testimony:

Death is overcome by Your blood!

Victory is our story!


The Bible pictures believers standing in heaven, ultimately victorious over sin, death and the devil “by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony” (Revelation 12:11). 

Meditate this week on the song “Power in the Blood.” Let it clarify and solidify your testimony that says, “I believe in Jesus. I am a victor not a victim.” 

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, the power of your blood gives power to my testimony: I believe in you as my Savior! By your death, help me remember to live as a victor not a victim. Amen.

EVANGELISM ACTION: Share this song with a friend who needs Jesus.