CrossLife- PF

Did the Bible Predict Events in Gaza and Israel?

Today my goal is for you to spend just 5 minutes that will equip you for 50 conversations in which you speak with better clarity and confidence – about the events in Gaza and Israel.

I’ll get to my 2 points quickly. Here we go!

  1. The Bible pictures Israel’s enemies taking a stand “Come,” they say, “let us destroy [Israel] as a nation, so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.” (Psalm 83:4)
  2. This does not predict the events in Gaza and Israel happening today. Watch this 3-minute video that explains why. It is provided by Chad Bird, a theologian and blogger.

PRAYER: Thank you, God, for the clarity and truth of your Word in the Bible. Open its power to me as I open my ears to hear. Then, open my own words to bless others with your clarity and truth. Amen.

DIG DEEPER: Is Psalm 83 Predicting Events in Gaza and Israel? After watching the video, read Psalm 83.